• Thanks Michel, it’s so nice to share about XmR.
    The tool I have developed is more than XmR generator as I have added columns to document, link and classify the measures.
    The classification is very useful to connect XmR measures with others data in a dynamic dashboard. Also, it helps to look at the same measure in a row. Example:
    SOT for mill X…[Read more]

  • Thank you Stacey, they automation is only to detect signal and send a mail. The user need to call the recalculation function with the starting date, number of point (default 8) and effective starting date.

  • Manon Tremblay changed their profile picture 6 years, 7 months ago

  • Hi, I am really impress by the melodology and by the XmR chart, the smart chart like Stacy calls it. After my certification, I have looked into internet to find a tool to present the XmR chart in a automatic manner. I understand that it’s easy to use the excel but as I’m an IT person, I couldn’t imagine doing it like it every time. As I didn’t…[Read more]

    • Manon, I’m looking forward to seeing your XmR tool. The feature that I think is important is that the user can set the recalculation start and end points, when they see a signal. Automating this can be dangerous!