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Manon Tremblay


March 3, 2016

Hi, I am really impress by the melodology and by the XmR chart, the smart chart like Stacy calls it. After my certification, I have looked into internet to find a tool to present the XmR chart in a automatic manner. I understand that it’s easy to use the excel but as I’m an IT person, I couldn’t imagine doing it like it every time. As I didn’t find anything, I have decided to develop one with all my experience and knowledge and of course with the PuMP methodology in mind. Before release my final version I would like to know: If you had to use a tool for your Performance Measurement and XmR Chart, what functions would interrested you the most?
Per example:
Showing the XmR Chart in your own reporting apps.
Electronic documentation of you PM (link between performance, link to document)
Dynamic Dashboard (I mean, pick several PM and see all XmR in the same page)
Receive a mail when a signal is recognize.
Data in the cloud or on-premises.
Other …
Also, I would like to know if Excel suits your need because I can also develop a front end with Excel but I’m not sure if it worth it.

Personnaly, I have done all my tests with Tableau Software and the result is very very nice.
Thanks for you help.

Stacey Barr


March 14, 2011

Manon, I’m looking forward to seeing your XmR tool. The feature that I think is important is that the user can set the recalculation start and end points, when they see a signal. Automating this can be dangerous!

Manon Tremblay


March 3, 2016

Thank you Stacey, they automation is only to detect signal and send a mail. The user need to call the recalculation function with the starting date, number of point (default 8) and effective starting date.

Michel Dekker


December 5, 2013

Hi Manon and Stacey,

Good to read about this, because we have created an XmR generator a couple of years ago. It was too much work to do it all by hand. Being aware of the risks involved in re-calculating automatically the automated approach has been of great help to start our analysis on a large number of measures.

@Stacey: we have talked about this “manual override” before. Could you elaborate a bit about how you see this workflow from the user perspective ? Do you expect to have the signal detection (and recalculation) initially done automatically and then specify the start and end points of the periods you want to exclude to rerun the calculation?

@Manon: calculating the additional columns (as Stacey has done in her excel examples) is the principal part. The rendering of the chart is then easy in any reporting/presentation tool that can produce a line chart with some form of boundaries for the control limits (area, lines, etc). We have used all kinds of tools to render, whatever made sense for the project.

Manon Tremblay


March 3, 2016

Thanks Michel, it’s so nice to share about XmR.
The tool I have developed is more than XmR generator as I have added columns to document, link and classify the measures.
The classification is very useful to connect XmR measures with others data in a dynamic dashboard. Also, it helps to look at the same measure in a row. Example:
SOT for mill X, Y, Z.
The comparaison between mills is so evident with that view, it’s amazing.

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