Hi Stacey … I finally got a chance to update my PuMP Pilot progress. You will note that I have completed Steps 2 through 4, but skipped Step 1. One of the things I remember from the PuMP course with Louise was her advice that you did not have to start with Step 1. I liked this advice, because sometimes it is hard to get people to go back to the beginning. I always do an introduction to PuMP and go through the “bad” vs “good” habits. But to me a true completion of Step 1 is to complete the PuMP Diagnostic tool and that I have yet to do.
I am responsible for facilitating the planning and performance reporting for the branch within the Alberta Energy Regulator responsible for ensuring companies and operators are complying with our regulations. For this pilot I have worked with Directors and the VP to define the objectives and measures for the branch. A colleague and I also conducted 3 separate measures galleries to get feedback from within and outside of our branch. The measures galleries were very well received. Lots of good feedback. People really liked the Results Map; they could see how their work fit into the bigger puzzle.
I’m hoping to incorporate the PuMP Diagnostic at our next performance review scheduled for the fall. If all goes according to plan, I may be able to check off Step 1 before the end of the year.