PuMP and Lean Six Sigma – Tracey, who attended a PuMP Blueprint Workshop in New Zealand in April 2018, asked an incredibly good question about how PuMP aligns with Lean Six Sigma. Find out how in this article. https://thepumpcommunity.com/pump-and-lean-six-sigma/
Case Study Interview with Herman Hudepohl – Herman has been leading the introduction and implementation of PuMP into the New Zealand Defence Force for almost three years now. In this interview you’ll get insight into his approach for making this organisation-wide change. https://thepumpcommunity.com/herman-hudepohl-implementing-pump-nzdf/
Expert Interview with Georgia Murch – A transcript is now available for this interview, about an alternative way to think about the information that supports performance appraisals. Scroll to below the video. https://thepumpcommunity.com/georgia-murch-on-replacing-kpis-in-performance-appraisals/
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