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Attempt #2

Joscelyn Haggarty


June 16, 2016

Okay, 10 months ago I posted that I was starting a pilot. It is apparent that the first attempt did not go very far. Yesterday I started a second pilot — attempt #2. This time I started with Step 1 – Understanding Measurements Purpose. I also have a team that has committed to completing all 8 steps and I have already scheduled all the meetings.

I work for the Alberta Energy Regulator and the branch I’m with is responsible for ensuring oil and gas companies are following our regulations. For this pilot we are focusing on the inspection and audit of Land and Wildlife regulations; are companies doing the right things to reduce negative impacts to land and wildlife as a result of energy development.

The measures team for this pilot is spread across the province. Therefore I had to get creative to complete the mind mapping activity. I had the measures team write down what was working and what wasn’t working with performance measurement before the meeting. I then used an online tool called Stormboard to create virtual Post-it Notes and group them by common themes.

We also used the PuMP Diagnostic tool. One team member commented that they it of value because it provided “benchmarks on the spectrum, as opposed to just our own ideas”.

I am excited for Attempt #2.

Stacey Barr


March 14, 2011

I’m excited for Attempt #2 also, Joscelyn. It sounds like you’re off to a strong start with your Measures Team. And probably like other PuMP Community members, I’m very keen to hear more of your solutions for a geographically spread out Measures Team.

Amy Ells


March 13, 2018

Super interested in following your progess on this! I’m slowly working through my PuMP pilot, currently preparing for a virtual measures gallery! I had a virtual measures team as well. I work for the Government of Canada, in Atlantic so we are spread out.

Would love to share ideas, and what I’m hoping can be some best practices for virtual measures gallery when geography doesn’t permit in person. In my department we have an informal PuMP community of practice and have been brainstorming my way through this with their help.

Joscelyn Haggarty


June 16, 2016

Hi Amy – Thank you for reaching out! I’m still trying to figure out how to do a virtual measures gallery. So yes please share your approach. We are going to wait until late summer to determine how to share the results of our pilot. I was a bit unconventional and made the decision to do Step 4 at the end of my pilot. In my past attempt I ran two measures galleries. While the galleries themselves were successful (lots of attendees, feedback and curiosity); nothing happened after. I felt this time it would be more valuable to show more of the finished products from PuMP Steps 5, 6 and 7 – then do a measures gallery.

We have a few groups within the AER (Alberta Energy Regulator) that have completed the PuMP training. Our Enterprise Performance team has done a lot of work developing objectives and measures at the enterprise level (pink and green bubbles of the results map). This is helpful as it allows me to tie branch level (blue and orange bubbles) objectives to our broader organizational goals. To be honest I think within the AER we are still brainstorming our way through how best implement PuMP into our organization.

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