• Hi Stacey – I was wondering what the best technique is for creating a strategy is. I know that PUMP is the best way to create performance measures, and I’m wondering what the best technique is for creating a strategy. Is it still the balanced scorecard, or is there anything new that you recommend? Thanks!

    • I don’t think it is the Balanced Scorecard, Janet. Our understanding of what ‘balance’ means these days doesn’t seem to fit comfortably within the four perspectives. And insistence that the financial perspective must be at the top as the ultimate outcome also doesn’t fit with many organisations’ philosophies about purpose. So I’m actually stumped…[Read more]

  • Hello – I am Janet Sawatsky, M.A., from Calgary, Alberta, Canada. I have been using PuMP for over 10 years, and I love its practicality. I have also enjoyed Stacey Barr’s 2 wonderful books! They are both very informative and I refer to them all the time in my strategic planning, business planning, performance measurement endeavors and customer…[Read more]