Hello Stacey,
I am running 3 pilots at the moment and each of them at a different step within PuMP at the moment.
The very first we are getting measurements for a service management and functional maintenance department. The second is the leading for the lagging first. They want measurement on availability and I discovered it is a major challenge to get people out of their operational way of thinking (“We have very good measures from ITIL”) .
Next to that the managers of those departments didn’t want to be involved in the pilot, they leave it to their employees. And as we now are discussing the Performance Report with those managers a lot of explaining is needed about why the team has chosen for the specific measurements.
However, at least there is now a discussion running on the result instead of looking at “monitor” measures.
It was a learning point of me to at least involve the owner of the performance measure who has the accountability on the result to avoid long discussions afterwards.
So the next pilot I started with my own management team and in the beginning there was a lot of scepsis in the team. And a slight resistance to the time it will take of their agenda’s.
However, after two quite intensive sessions about their strategies they put together at off side sessions, they came to the conclusion they finally have a common understanding of each or their goals/results and realized how they can help eachother on reaching those results.
Last week they run the Gallery Walk and it look it was a great success. Even the “big boss” was curious and we did have some good discussions with him. It led even to an invitation to explain to him the power of the XmR chart and to an invitation to synchronise eachother expectations.
Also the feedback and reactions of the colleagues of the different teams made it a very positive Walk. Some of them even offered help to assist with the somewhat more technical parts in step 5 and 6 regarding datagathering and reporting. That’s not something for managers, isn’t it?
The third pilot is the one with my own team. Here als discussions about results and actions, output and outcome, but this one becomes slightly more as our performance as a part of something bigger.
In the second we decided on the department results and it is now a lot easier to make clear to my own team what we can contribute to the department results. Visualized in the Result Map.
By the way, it was also a remark of one of the colleagues of the other teams: “It makes creating the planning on the strategy for the coming year much easier, there is focus! Instead of plotting all the big tickets on a slide hoping we will reach some of them”.
All together I become more and more enthousiastic about PuMP and performance measuremetn in general.
I’ll keep you posted!