I’ve been using PuMP in my organization since 2012. I work for Scottish Natural Heritage, the Scottish Government’s environmental advisor. For a long time it was just me, swimming against the tide and trying to get people to think in non-weasely language, trying to influence our corporate plan wording, trying to do performance reporting, trying to get people to do results maps and measures. For ages it didn’t feel like I was getting anywhere, and then suddenly it all started happening. Over the course of the last three years things have taken off (and I was on maternity leave for the whole of 2017 too). We now have a number of PuMP Practitioners and several enthusiasts. One of our directors went on the Evidence Based Leadership course and there’s real momentum now. Full use of PuMP is still some way off, but we’re pushing xmr charts for lots of things, making a lot of headway with people below the top level on the style of language we use (others now understand and avoid using “weasel” words), and getting in at the start of projects with results maps. Our approach is scrappy, but it’s starting to work.